What the Reagent Component?!

Did you know that when you write a form-1, form-2 or form-3 Reagent component they all default to becoming React class components?

For example, if you were to write this form-1 Reagent component:

(defn welcome []
  [:h1 "Hello, friend"])

By the time Reagent passes it to React it would be the equivalent of you writing this:

class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello, friend</h1>

Okay, so, Reagent components become React Class Components. Why do we care? This depth of understanding is valuable because it means we can better understand:

The result of all of this "fundamental" learning is we can more effectively harness JavaScript from within ClojureScript.

A Pseudoclassical Pattern

The reason all of your Reagent components become class components is because all of the code you pass to Reagent is run through an internal Reagent function called create-class.

create-class is interesting because of how it uses JavaScript to transform a Reagent component into something that is recognized as a React class component. Before we look into what create-class is doing, it's helpful to review how "classes" work in JavaScript.

Prior to ES6, JavaScript did not have classes. and this made some JS developers sad because classes are a common pattern used to structure code and provide support for:

  • instantiation
  • inheritance
  • polymorphism

But as I said, prior to ES6, JavaScript didn't have a formal syntax for "classes". To compensate for the lack of classes, the JavaScript community got creative and developed a series of instantiation patterns to help simulate classes.

Of all of these patterns, the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern became one of the most popular ways to simulate a class in JavaScript. This is evidenced by the fact that many of the "first generation" JavaScript libraries and frameworks, like google closure library and backbone, are written in this style.

The reason we are going over this history is because the thing about a programming language is there are "patterns" and "syntax". The challenge with "patterns" is:

  • They're disseminated culturally (tribal knowledge)
  • They're difficult to identify
  • They're often difficult to search
  • They often require a deeper knowledge to understand how and why to use a pattern.

The last point in praticular is relevant to our conversation because patterns live in a context and assume prior knowledge. Knowledge like how well we know the context of a problem, the alternative approaches to addressing a problem, advancements in a language and so on.

The end result is that a pattern can just become a thing we do. We can forget or never know why it started in the first place or what the world could look like if we chose a different path.

For example, the most common way of writing a React class component is to use ES6 class syntax. But did you know that ES6 class syntax is little more than syntactic sugar around the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern?

For example, you can write a valid React class component using the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern like this:

// 1. define a function (component) called `Welcome`
function Welcome(props, context, updater) {
  React.Component.call(this, props, context, updater)

  return this

// 2. connect `Welcome` to the `React.Component` prototype
Welcome.prototype = Object.create(React.Component.prototype)

// 3. re-define the `constructor`
Object.defineProperty(Welcome.prototype, 'constructor', {
  enumerable: false,
  writable: true,
  configurable: true,
  value: Welcome,

// 4. define your React components `render` method
Welcome.prototype.render = function render() {
  return <h2>Hello, Reagent</h2>

While the above is a valid React Class Component, it's also verbose and error prone. For these reasons JavaScript introduced ES6 classes to the language:

class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello, Reagent</h1>

For those looking for further evidence, we can support our claim that ES6 Classes result in same thing as what the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern produces by using JavaScript's built-in introspection tools to compare the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern to the ES6 class syntax.

pseudoclassical instantiation pattern:

function Welcome(props, context, updater) {
  React.Component.call(this, props, context, updater)

  return this

// ...repeat steps 2 - 4 from above before completing the rest

var welcome = new Welcome()

Welcome.prototype instanceof React.Component
// => true

Object.getPrototypeOf(Welcome.prototype) === React.Component.prototype
// => true

welcome instanceof React.Component
// => true

welcome instanceof Welcome
// => true

Object.getPrototypeOf(welcome) === Welcome.prototype
// => true

// => true

// => true

ES6 class

class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    console.log('ES6 Inheritance')

var welcome = new Welcome()

Welcome.prototype instanceof React.Component
// => true

Object.getPrototypeOf(Welcome.prototype) === React.Component.prototype
// => true

welcome instanceof React.Component
// => true

welcome instanceof Welcome
// => true

Object.getPrototypeOf(welcome) === Welcome.prototype
// => true

// => true

// => true

What does all of this mean? As far as JavaScript and React are concerned, both definions of the Welcome component are valid React Class Components.

With this in mind, lets look at Reagent's create-class function and see what it does.

What Reagent Does

The history lesson from the above section is important because create-class uses a modified version of the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern. Let's take a look at what we mean.

The following code sample is a simplified version of Reagent's create-class function:

function cmp(props, context, updater) {
  React.Component.call(this, props, context, updater)

  return this

goog.extend(cmp.prototype, React.Component.prototype, classMethods)

goog.extend(cmp, React.Component, staticMethods)

cmp.prototype.constructor = cmp

What we have above is Reagents take on the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern with a few minor tweaks:

// 1. we copy to properties + methods of React.Component
goog.extend(cmp.prototype, React.Component.prototype, classMethods)

goog.extend(cmp, React.Component, staticMethods)

// 2. the constructor is not as "thorough"
cmp.prototype.constructor = cmp

Exploring point 1 we see that Reagent has opted to copy the properties and methods of React.Component directly to the Reagent compnents we write. That is what's happening here:

goog.extend(cmp.prototype, React.Component.prototype, classMethods)

If we were using the the traditional pseudoclassical approach we would instead do this:

cmp.prototype = Object.create(React.Component.prototype)

Thus, the difference is that Reagent's approach copies all the methods and properties from React.Component to the cmp prototype where as the second approach is going to link the cmp prototype to React.component prototype. The benefit of linking is that each time you instantiate a Welcome component, the Welcome component does not need to re-create all of the React.components methods and properties.

Exploring the second point, Reagent is doing this:

cmp.prototype.constructor = cmp

whereas with the traditional pseudoclassical approach we would instead do this:

Object.defineProperty(Welcome.prototype, 'constructor', {
  enumerable: false,
  writable: true,
  configurable: true,
  value: Welcome,

The difference in the above approaches is that if we just use = as we are doing in the Reagent version we create an enumerable constructor. This can have an implication depending on who consumes our classes, but in our case we know that only React is going to be consuming our class components, so we can do this with relative confidence.

What is one of the more interesting results of the above two Reagent modifications? First, if React depended on JavaScript introspection to tell whether or not a component is a child of React.Component we would not be happy campers:

Welcome.prototype instanceof React.Component
// => false...Welcome is not a child of React.Component

Object.getPrototypeOf(Welcome.prototype) === React.Component.prototype
// => false...React.component is not part of Welcomes prototype chain

welcome instanceof React.Component
// => false...Welcome is not an instance of React.Component

welcome instanceof Welcome
// => true...welcome is a child of Welcome

Object.getPrototypeOf(welcome) === Welcome.prototype
// => true...welcome is linked to Welcome prototype

// => false...React.Component not linked to the prototype of React.Component

// is Welcome is the ancestory?

What the above shows is that Welcome is not a child of React.component even though it has all the properties and methods that React.Component has. This is why were lucky that React is smart about detecting class vs. function components.

Second, by copying rather than linking prototypes we could inccur a performance cost. How much of a performance hit? In our case this cost is likely negligible.


In my experience, digging into the weeds and going on these detours has been an important part of my growth as a developer. The weeds have allowed me to be a better programmer because I'm honing my ability to understand challenging topics and find answers. The result is a strange feeling of calm and comfort.

This calm and comfort shouldn't be overlooked. So much of our day-to-day is left unquestioned and unanalyzed. We let knowledge become "cultural" or "tribal". This is scary. It's scary because it leads to bad decisions because no one around us knows the whys or wherefores. Ultimately, it's a bad habit. A bad habit which is seen by some as a virtue because it would simply take too much time for to learn things ourselves. That's until you actually start doing this kind of work and spend time learning and observing and seeing that these "new things" we're seeing all the time aren't really new, but just another example of that old thing back.


What are the Clojure Tools?

The Clojure Tools are a group of convenience tools which currently consist of:

  • Clojure CLI
  • tools.build

The Clojure Tools. were designed to answer some of the following questions:

  • How do I install Clojure? (Clojure CLI)
  • How do I run a Clojure program? (Clojure CLI)
  • How do I manage Clojure packages (dependencies)? (Clojure CLI)
  • How do I configure a Clojure project? (Clojure CLI)
  • How do I build Clojure for production? (tools.build)

The rest of this post will dig into each of these tools.

Clojure CLI

The Clojure CLI is a CLI program. Here is what it looks like to use the Clojure CLI and some of the things it can do:

Run a Clojure repl


Run a Clojure program

clj -M -m your-clojure-program

manage Clojure dependencies

clj -Sdeps '{:deps {bidi/bidi {:mvn/version "2.1.6"}}}'

Like all Clojure programs, the Clojure CLI is built on a few libraries:

The following sections will provide overviews of each of the above tools.

The Clojure CLI is invoked by calling either clj or clojure shell commands:

# clj
clj -M -m your-clojure-program

# clojure
clojure -M -m your-clojure-program

Under the hood, clj actually calls clojure. The difference is that clj wraps the clojure command with a tool called rlwrap. rlwrap improves the developer experience by making it easier for you, a human, to type in the terminal while you're running your Clojure REPL. However, even though it's easier for you to type, rlwrap can make it hard to compose the clj command with other tools. As a result, it's a common practice to use clojure in production/ci environments . Additionally, not all environments have access to rlwrap so it's another dependency you have to install.

Okay, so they do the same thing. What do they do? clj/clojure has one job: run Clojure programs against a classpath.

The next sections will outline the tools that make up the Clojure CLI tool.


If you dig into the clj/clojure is just a bash script which ultimatley calls a command like this:

java [java-opt*] -cp classpath clojure.main [init-opt*] [main-opt] [arg*]

Thus, the Clojure CLI tool makes it easier to run Clojure programs. It saves you having to type out a gnarly Java command and make it work on different environments (windows, linux, mac etc). However, it orchestrates the building of the classpath by calling out to tools.deps.


tools.deps is a Clojure libary responsible for managing your dependencies. It does the following things:

  • reads in dependencies from a deps.edn file
  • resolves the dependencies and their transitive dependencies
  • builds a classpath

What's interesting about this program is that it's just a Clojure library. This means that you can use it outside of the Clojure CLI.

The other thing that makes tools.deps great is that it's a small and focused library. Why this is great is that if something goes wrong it's easy to read and learn the library in a short period of time.


deps.edn is just an edn file where you configure your project and specify project dependencies. You can think of it like Clojure's version of package.json. The deps.edn file is a Clojure map with a specific structure. Here's an example of some of the properties of a deps.edn file:

{:deps    {...}
 :paths   [...]
 :aliases {...}}

As you can see, we use the keywords :deps, :paths and :aliases and more to start to describe your project and the dependencies it requires.

As we noted above, deps.edn is read in when you run clj/clojure and tells clj/clojure which dependencies are requires to run your project.


tools.build is a Clojure library with functions for building clojure projects. For example, build a jar or uberjar.

The way you would use tools.build is by writing a separate program inside your app which knows how to build your app. The convention is to create a build.clj file in the root of your project. Import tools.build and use the functions provides by tools.build to build your program.

The 3 main types of Clojure programs one might build into 3 sub categories:

  • A tool
  • A library
  • An app

When you run your build.clj file, you will use Clojure CLI's -T switch. The -T switch is meant to run general clojure programs via the Clojure CLI and since build.clj is a separate program, distinct form the app you are writing, you would run it via the -T switch.

You would use -T for Clojure programs that you want to run as a "tool". For example, deps-new is a Clojure library which creates new Clojure projects based on a template you provide. This is a great example of a Clojure project which is built to be a "tool".

I don't want to go into more detail about -T now because that means we would have to dive into other Clojure CLI switches like -X and -M. That's for another post. On to the Installer!


The "Clojure CLI Installer" is a fancy way of referring to the brew tap used to install Clojure on mac and linux machines. As of February 2020, Clojure started maintaining their own brew tap. Thus, if you installed the Clojure CLI via

brew install clojure

you will likely want to uninstall clojure and install the following:

brew install clojure/tools/clojure

In all likelihood, you would probably be fine with brew install clojure as it will recieve updates. However, while brew install clojure will still see some love, it won't be as active as the clojure/tools/clojure tap.

clj v lein v boot

This section will provide a quick comparison of clj, lein and boot.

Firstly, all of the above tools are more or less addressing the same problems in their own way. Your job is to choose the one you like best.

If you're curious which to choose, my answer is the Clojure CLI. The reason I like the Clojure CLI is because the tool is simple. You can read through clj and tools.deps in an afternoon and understand what they are doing. The same (subjectively of course) cannot be said for lein or boot. I will note that Clojure CLI's API is not straightforward and can be confusing.

Secondly, the Clojure Tools promote libraries over frameworks. This is important when working with a language like Clojure because it really does reward you for breaking down your thinking.

Finally, the Clojure community is really leaning into building tools for Clojure CLI. For example, where lein used to have significantly more functionality, the community has built a ton of incredible tools that will cover many of your essential requirements.


Transducers and Eduction in Clojure simply explained

With help from our coming AI overlords:

Transducers and eduction in Clojure are ways to efficiently process and transform data, especially when working with large datasets.

Here's a simple explanation:


  • Transducers are functions that can be composed together to create a sequence of transformations.
  • They allow you to define a series of operations (like mapping, filtering, etc.) that can be applied to any collection of data, without having to worry about the specific data structure.
  • Transducers are "context-independent" - they don't care about the input or output data structures, they just focus on the transformations.
  • This makes transducers very flexible and reusable. You can combine them in different ways to create complex data pipelines.


  • Eduction is a way to apply a transducer to a collection of data without creating intermediate data structures.
  • Normally, when you apply a series of transformations to a collection (e.g. map, filter, etc.), you end up creating a new collection at each step.
  • With eduction, the transformations are applied "on the fly" as the data is consumed, without creating those intermediate collections.
  • This can be much more efficient, especially when working with large datasets, because you don't have to allocate memory for all the intermediate results.
  • eduction is a Clojure core function that takes transducers as arguments, and captures the transduction process into a function. It applies the transducers to the input collection, but the result is a reducible/iterable, not a concrete data structure. You need to use functions like iterator-seq to get a sequence from the reducible result.

In summary, transducers allow you to define reusable data transformations, and eduction allows you to apply those transformations efficiently without creating unnecessary data structures. Together, they provide a powerful way to build composable, high-performance data processing pipelines in Clojure.

Eduction is best used when the result will be completely consumed in a reducible context. But transducers can be used with other functions as well, depending on the specific use case.


Clojure 1.11.3

Clojure 1.11.3 is now available.

  • CLJ-2843 - Reflective calls to Java methods that take primitive long or double now work when passed a narrower boxed number at runtime (Integer, Short, Byte, Float). Previously, these methods were not matched during reflection and an error was thrown.

Java 21 added an overload to the method Thread/sleep in the 1-arity. When upgrading to Java 21, existing Clojure calls to Thread/sleep become reflective, but continue to work. As usual, you can detect reflection with *warn-on-reflection* and address with a type hint (here, ^long) to choose the desired overload. Previously, passing a Short or Integer value to a reflective call like Thread/sleep that takes a long would not match, that has been corrected.


How to Become a Software Engineer ?

Want to become a software engineer? But why? What is the need? Haven't you decided yet? If not then you need to decide it first!
Maybe you want to become a software engineer because of your curiosity from childhood about how computers work, or because you want to earn lots of money and want to build a good reputation in the tech industry.

If none of the above reasons apply, and you want to become a software engineer because you don't know what to do and someone suggested it to you, then you need to rethink.

Because the journey of software engineering will not be easy, it's important to be clear about your goals. Otherwise, you risk becoming dissatisfied with your 9-to-5 job over time, feeling unhappy with your work and questioning your career choice.

It's not necessary for a software engineer to work a 9-to-5 job. With some experience, you can build your own startup, freelance, or pursue your passion, whether it's something you've been passionate about since childhood or during college days. For instance, I started during my college days, although I wasn't clear on my final goal or the type of startup I wanted to build. However, I knew one thing: I needed a good network and audience to make my startup successful.

So, I started building a network on LinkedIn, growing both my personal profile and my community page. Right now, I have an audience of 45k+ on my personal profile and 30k + on the community page. I shared helpful content with my audience and began inviting them on WhatsApp and Telegram. Now, with just one click, I can reach over 50k + people. I have a tech community on whatsapp where I'm providing a space to people to ask thier doubts and engage with meaninful discussion. I have created numerous helpful resources to assist job seekers. For example, the A to Z Placement Kit provides everything from resumes to cover letters, interview questions to notes, startup lists, project ideas, and many other resources. These days, I'm focusing on making products to solve real-world problems. Let's see where it goes, but I'm committed to growing together with my community.

Coming back to how to become a software engineer!

1. Be Clear About Your End Goal

Starting a new career isn't easy. But having a clear goal helps you overcome obstacles. You should know exactly what you're aiming for.

Software engineer

2. Pursue a degree in Computer Science or a related field

To begin your journey as a software engineer, it's advisable to first pursue a degree in computer science or a related field. Typically, a bachelor’s degree is a minimum requirement.

Choosing to major in computer science provides a solid foundation for software design. During interviews, you can expect questions about topics like data structures and algorithms, which are covered extensively in traditional computer science programs.

Although a degree is not mandatory to become a software engineer, you can achieve this role through your skills, self-learning, and by developing noteworthy products or projects that showcase your abilities. Nowadays, startups are focusing more on skills rather than degrees. If you have the necessary skills and experience, they will hire you!

Startup Companies Hiring Remotely in 2024

3. Learn Programming Languages.

The first thing to learn to become a software engineer is programming languages. Learning programming languages is essential as they form the foundation of software development.

You can pick from languages like Java, Python, C++, C#, and Javascript. You don't need to learn many languages at once when you're starting out. Start with one and become really good at it. Later, when you have more experience, you can try another one. It's easier to learn the next language after the first.


Youtube Tutorials

Understand the core concepts like variables, control structures, data types, and syntax.

After learning the basics, you can start learning DSA.

DSA with Java
DSA with C++
DSA with Python
DSA with JavaScript

Complete DSA material curated by Let's Code

Read this blog - How to start your coding Journey ?

4. Design and Build Software or Projects

One of the best ways to learn software engineering is by getting your hands dirty. Start by designing and building your own software projects. Whether it's a simple web application, a mobile app, or a game, the key is to start coding and gaining practical experience.

Below is a list of programming tutorials in which aspiring software developers learn how to build an application from scratch.

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Curated list of project-based tutorials

Project Based Learning


A list of programming tutorials in which aspiring software developers learn how to build an application from scratch. These tutorials are divided into different primary programming languages. Tutorials may involve multiple technologies and languages.

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Table of Contents:


Below repository is a compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-creating our favorite technologies from scratch.

5. Resume & Online profile Building

Your resume and online presence are crucial when applying for software engineering roles. Make sure to highlight your projects, skills, and experiences in your resume, and create an impressive online portfolio or GitHub profile to showcase your work.

In the drive below, you will find resume templates, cover letter templates, cold email templates, and guides, which will be very helpful for resume creation.

Optimize your GitHub Profile

  • For those in technical fields, a GitHub profile can be a valuable asset to showcase your coding skills and contributions to projects.
  • Keep your GitHub profile updated with your latest projects, contributions to open-source projects, and any other relevant code samples.
  • Provide clear documentation and explanations for your projects to demonstrate your understanding and communication skills.

In this repository, I have attached some good profile readme templates which you can use to optimize your GitHub profile

GitHub logo avinash201199 / profile-readme-templates

collection of Profile readme templates


This repository contains the collection of some good profile readme . With the help of these you can make your own attractive profile readme.You can contribute to this repository by adding your's or any other's profile readme.

How to contribute

  • Star this repository
  • create an issue and wait for approval.
  • Fork this repo after approval.
  • Add your profile readme file in Profile Readme Template folder
  • We will add your profile readme details on this main readme by ourself(If we find it attractive or compelling)
  • To capture larger screen you can minimize the screen by pressing ctrl "+" -
  • create pull request and wait for approval.

Aleksey Voko

Anmol Baranwal

Apoorv Tyagi

Avinash Singh

Bill Chan

Jonah Lawrence


Waren Gonzaga

LinkedIn Profile Optimization

  • LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and showcasing your professional profile.
  • Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete and up-to-date, including a professional photo, headline, summary, and detailed descriptions of your education, experience, and skills.
  • Connect with professionals in your field of interest, join relevant groups, and engage with content to expand your network.
  • Ask for recommendations from professors, mentors, or previous employers to add credibility to your profile.

You can read the article below to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

The Complete LinkedIn Marketing and Job Search Workshop -

Elevate your game on LinkedIn! Our transformative workshop empowers you to craft a magnetic personal brand, unleash captivating content marketing, ace the job hunt, and skyrocket lead generation. Leverage pro tips, unlock LinkedIn's full potential for explosive career growth and business wins. Seize this opportunity today!

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6. Do Internships

Internships are a fantastic way to gain real-world experience and learn from seasoned professionals. Look for internships at tech companies or startups, and make the most out of the opportunity to expand your skills and network with industry professionals.


Join Telegram channel for internships & jobs updates.

If you're not able to secure paid internships, you can opt for virtual internships from top companies on Forage. Explore careers and prepare for the job with hundreds of free job simulations designed by the world's top employers.

Read this blog for more details - How to get an Internship?

7. Join Community of Software Engineers

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals by joining communities of software engineers. Whether it's online forums, meetups, or tech events, connecting with others in the field can provide valuable insights, support, and networking opportunities.

You can join Lets Code Tech communities in various fields, where you can ask questions, engage in meaningful conversations, and clear your doubts.

Software community

Some platforms that software engineers should use.

  • Stack Overflow: An online community for programmers to ask and answer questions on various programming topics. It's a valuable resource for troubleshooting, learning, and sharing knowledge.

  • GitHub: A web-based platform for version control using Git. It's widely used for hosting open-source projects and collaborating on code.

  • Dev.to is a community-driven platform specifically tailored for software developers, engineers, and other tech professionals. It serves as a space for sharing knowledge, insights, and experiences related to software development and technology in general

  • freeCodeCamp is a non-profit educational organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community forum, chat rooms, online publications and local organizations that intend to make learning software development accessible to anyone.

8. Master Your Pre-Interview Skills

Technical interviews are a common part of the software engineering hiring process. Prepare yourself by mastering coding problems, algorithms, and data structures. Practice coding challenges regularly and refine your problem-solving skills.

Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers

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💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers

Tech Interview Handbook

Start Reading Tech Interview Handbook

What is this?

Not everyone has the time to do a few hundred LeetCode questions. Here are free and curated technical interview preparation materials for busy engineers, brought to you by me, the author of Blind 75. Over 500,000 people have benefitted from this handbook!

Besides the usual algorithm questions, other awesome stuff includes:

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A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions.

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:octocat: A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓


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Stop struggling with scattered API keys, hacking together home-brewed tools,
and avoiding access controls. Keep your team and servers in sync with Doppler.

Awesome Interviews Awesome

A curated list of lists of technical interview questions.

What makes for an awesome list?

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Table of Contents

Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms


9. Apply for jobs

Once you feel confident in your skills and experiences, start applying for software engineering positions. Tailor your applications to each job opportunity, and don't be afraid to showcase your passion and enthusiasm for the field.

LinkedIn has a dedicated job search feature where you can search for jobs by keywords, location, industry, and other criteria. You can also save job listings and set up job alerts to be notified of new opportunities.

Linkedin jobs

10. Resources

Take advantage of online resources such as coding tutorials, courses, and documentation to continue learning and improving your skills. Stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in software engineering.

I'm going to share some resources which can be very helpful for software engineers.

10. Tips

The journey to becoming a software engineer may have its challenges, but with dedication, hard work, and continuous learning, you can achieve your goals. Network with professionals in the industry, seek mentorship, and never stop honing your craft.

Software engineering is a vast field and has different roles based on requirements and task complexity. So you can choose as per your convenience and go ahead. Some of the prominent roles are listed below:

  • Full Stack Engineer
  • Front-End Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Back-End Engineer
  • Software Engineer in Test
  • Data Engineer
  • Embedded Systems Software Engineer
  • Security Engineer
  • Cloud Engineer

Obtain the roadmap for the roles mentioned above and begin preparing for them. Learn the basics first, then develop some quality projects. When applying, update your resume, incorporating keywords, skills, and projects relevant to the job description.

Thank you for reading. Please let me know your thoughts on the blog in the comment section. If you have any questions, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Save this blog for later!

Software Engineer


Senior Clojure Back-End Engineer at Peruse Technology Inc

Senior Clojure Back-End Engineer at Peruse Technology Inc

130000 - 220000

** Responsibilities:

Development and support of an application, database and associated APIs.

Required Technical Skills:

Clojure, Datomic, GraphQL and general AWS experience (some or all of: Lambda, API gateway, EKS, Open Search, Textract, Cloudwatch, Cloudfront, Cognito, SES, Route 53, DynamoDB, etc.)

Other Details:

Must be US or Canada based.

Must be available to start within a week of the interview.

This is a full-time, 40 hour/week role.

May be either a temporary or long-term role, depending on your preference and the mutual fit.

You must be interested in working in a fast-paced, start-up environment.  If your only experience is working with a large company, this probably isn’t a fit for you.



Clojure Goodness: Pretty Printing Collection Of Maps #Clojure

The namespace clojure.pprint has some useful function to pretty print different data structures. The function print-table is particularly useful for printing a collection of maps, where each map represents a row in the table, and the keys of the maps represent the column headers. The print-table function accepts the collection as argument and prints the table to the console (or any writer that is bound to the *out* var). We can also pass a vector with the keys we want to include in the table. Only the keys we specify are in the output. The order of the keys in the vector we pass as argument is also preserved in the generated output.


Keeping the :argslist of Clojure functions DRY

The problem: I had a case where I had several “pairs” of functions that shared their interface and I want to type as little as possible and don’t want to have to remember to keep their argument lists and doc strings in sync. The functions return SVG and the interface is a configuration map. One of the functions in a pair returns Hiccup, because that’s what I need for the components rendering the SVG.
Read this ↗️


Keeping the :arglists of Clojure functions DRY

The problem: function-a takes the same arguments as function-b. In fact, function-a calls function-b. Without too much synchronized updating of the function signatures, I want (doc function-a) to show me the same argument lists as (doc function-b). The solution: Use :arglists in the metadata of the function. (defn function-b [{:keys [a b c]}] (println a b c)) (defn function-a {:arglists '([{:keys [a b c]}])} [args] (function-b args)) That’s the TL;DR. Read on for some rationale, and for some nerdy diving into the worlds of static and dynamic analysis.
Read this ↗️


53: Clojure LSP with Eric Dallo

Eric Dallo talks about the LSP protocol, and Clojure LSP. Sorry about the audio quality on this recording, I missed that I was using my MacBook Microphone instead of my podcast microphone. Clojure LSP Langserver.org lsp-mode clj-kondo analysis data clojure-lsp-intellij


Clojure Goodness: Pretty Printing Collection Of Maps

The namespace clojure.pprint has some useful function to pretty print different data structures. The function print-table is particularly useful for printing a collection of maps, where each map represents a row in the table, and the keys of the maps represent the column headers. The print-table function accepts the collection as argument and prints the table to the console (or any writer that is bound to the *out* var). We can also pass a vector with the keys we want to include in the table. Only the keys we specify are in the output. The order of the keys in the vector we pass as argument is also preserved in the generated output.

In the following example code we use the print-table function to print some conference data that is stored in a vector of maps. We use the function with-out-str to capture the output of print-table so we can compare it with our expected result. In the example we first call print-table with the full conferences vector, and then we call it again with a vector of specific keys we want to include in the output.

(ns mrhaki.sample.print-table
  (:require [clojure.pprint :refer [print-table]]
            [clojure.test :refer [is]])
  (:import [java.io StringWriter]))

;; Vector with maps representing conference information.
(def conferences [{:name "Javaland" :location "Nürburgring" :country "Germany"}
                  {:name "JFall" :location "Ede" :country "The Netherlands"}
                  {:name "Full Stack Conference" :location "Nieuwegein" :country "The Netherlands"}])

;; Using print-table we get a nicely formatted table with all
;; rows from our conferences vector.
;; Each key name is a column header.
;; We use with-out-str function to capture the output
;; of the print-table function as String value.
(is (= "
|                 :name |   :location |        :country |
|              Javaland | Nürburgring |         Germany |
|                 JFall |         Ede | The Netherlands |
| Full Stack Conference |  Nieuwegein | The Netherlands |
" (with-out-str (print-table conferences))))

;; Using print-table with a vector of keys we get a nicely formatted table
;; with all rows from our conferences vector.
;; But now the columns are only the keys we specified.
;; The order of the keys is also the order of the columns.
;; We use with-out-str function to capture the output
;; of the print-table function as String value.
(is (= "
|        :country |                 :name |
|         Germany |              Javaland |
| The Netherlands |                 JFall |
| The Netherlands | Full Stack Conference |
" (with-out-str (print-table [:country :name] conferences))))

Written with Clojure 1.11.2.


Heart of Clojure 2.0

Heart of Clojure 2.0

This post contains practical information about the CFP, you can scroll down for that, but we do recommend you read the whole post before submitting a talk or session.

In 2019 we organized the first Heart of Clojure, a conference for the Clojure community, in Leuven, Belgium. On two lovely summer days 250 technologists came together to meet each other, watch inspiring talks, and join in activities in and around the venue and the city. We had talks about building a compiler, how to tap into the non-verbal capacities of your mind, lessons learned from teaching kids to code, climate change, and techniques for improving resiliency of your code base. We had a case study from a local law-tech Clojure startup, and an 11 year old presented the games she made in Clojure and Racket.

People also got to make their own screenprinting designs, we had a historian guide us through the beautiful city of Leuven, a mystery dinner randomly grouped people for an evening dinner, and people practiced yoga and meditation on the grass. Oh and we had waffles, delicious Belgian waffles.

Heart of Clojure 2.0Coffee and breakfast on day 2
Heart of Clojure 2.0The screen printing caravan

It was a special experience, we got overwhelmingly positive feedback, and everyone wanted to know when the next edition would come. To which we didn&apost have a good answer. We knew it wasn&apost going to be a yearly thing. Planning for the first edition took us a full year, and we weren&apost ready to jump in and start planning the next event.

Double the venues, double the fun

We also knew we wanted to do some things differently. One of the big challenges was how to increase capacity. Hal 5 is an amazing venue, the location couldn&apost be better, it&aposs full of charm and character, and the team at Hal 5 had been a pleasure to work with. But we were pushing the limits of what we could do there. We had about 250 seats, of which 150 went to regular ticket holders, and the rest to speakers, crew, and sponsors. Given that we sold out well before the conference, and given the positive reception, we knew there would be enough interest to go significantly bigger, but cramming more seats into Hal 5 wasn&apost an option.

We talked to half a dozen other venues in Leuven, but Het Depot was the only one we got really excited about.

Het Depot is a music venue right across from the Leuven train station, it&aposs a converted old cinema, with a number of fixed seats, and a large "pit" in front of the stage, where more seating can be placed.

Heart of Clojure 2.0Theater seating at Het Depot

Het Depot checked most of our boxes, there&aposs plenty of seating, there&aposs excellent A/V equipment available, the location is great, they have a nice bar and lockers. But it&aposs missing the open atmosphere of Hal 5. It&aposs perfect for hosting presentations, but less ideal for all the fringe activities and community involved sessions we like to host.

So we decided to do both. We&aposll open and close the conference with everyone together at Het Depot, for some of the finest and most thought provoking presentations. The rest of the event we&aposll swarm out between the two venues. They&aposre only a short jaunt removed from one another, with the two hotels where people are most likely to stay positioned right in the middle. And of course the station is right there as well, with excellent connections to Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, France, and from there to the rest of Europe.

Heart of Clojure 2.0Map of the Leuven train station area

Heart of Clojure is an interactive conference. We&aposre bringing people together from all over the continent, people who normally would only interact online, if at all. It&aposs a unique opportunity to get to know like minded people, and to create a bond through shared experience. Wouldn&apost it be a shame if for two days most of what you did was sitting side by side, looking at the stage? Watching a presentation you could have watched online? What a waste. Yet this is how a lot of conferences go.

Instead, we try to create a mix. Keynotes have their place, they inspire, provide food for thought, and for conversation, they set the stage and tone of the event. But once the stage is set it&aposs your turn to get up and participate. Heart of Clojure reifies the hallway track. We&aposll have extended breaks and opportunities to just walk around, chat with others, and exchange experiences.

Sessions and Activities

We&aposll also have sessions and activities. Sessions is our catch-all name for technical sessions that are more interactive than just watching a talk. Some examples of sessions could be:

  • Workshop, where an instructor walks you step by step through the use of a library, project, or technology
  • Birds of a Feather, where a moderator guides discussion around a topic of interest
  • Office Hours, where a maintainer or contributor of a project is available to answer questions and help others
  • Contributor Onboarding, where people can show up who want to contribute to an open source project or community initiative, and are shown the ropes

There will also be non-technical Activities to partake in, do yoga, go climbing, go explore the city, do a book swap, practice a second language... For us the primary reason to go to a conference is to create connections, and the best way to make connections with people is to just do stuff. That&aposs the idea behind activities. Plus, it&aposs fun!

For both of these, sessions and activities, we&aposll have an Activities App. Here you can see what&aposs happening, sign up, or set up your own sessions or activities. That&aposs right, this isn&apost a one way street. We&aposre taking some of ideas from unconferences, and opening the floor to all attendees to help shape this event. Want to get up to 7 people together to go check out the best gelato place in town? Make an activity! Want to find some folks to practice your Esperanto? Make an activity! Do origami, practice knots, whatever you&aposre into. This is your chance to find like minded geeks.

Opening the CFP

Which brings us to the Call for Proposals. We&aposre looking for a wide range of topics and formats. Think outside of the box, propose something original and appealing.

The schedule for regular talks will be fully done through the CFP, with potentially a few keynote speakers being invited directly. For five-minute lightning talks at the end of the conference the sign-up will be ad-hoc, the day of.

Sessions will mostly be scheduled through the CFP, so we can ensure a diverse and appealing offering. But some spaces and time slots will be left open for ad-hoc community sessions, which can be booked and organized by any attendee.

Since we want to leave much of the conference open for interactive sessions, that means slots for regular talks are limited. We are especially interested in talks that cross the gap between programming and the wider world, that synthesize lessons from other fields, and make connections between disparate intellectual schools. Talks that consider the practice of software development holistically, and from the perspective of the humans involved.

We are also interested in deep technical talks, although even these should try to situate themselves in the wider world. What real world context gave rise to this technological solution? Who are the people involved, and how does this impact them? Tell us a story, take us on a journey.

Talks and sessions do not have to be about Clojure. They merely have to be interesting to the kind of people who are drawn to Clojure. Inquisitive, open minded people, who prefer solving problems over solving puzzles. We warmly welcome people who are active in other communities, or other fields, to come share with us their knowledge and experience.

We are really, really looking forward to your proposals! Please spread this CFP far and wide!

Heart of Clojure 2.0
Heart of Clojure 2.0
Heart of Clojure 2.0
Heart of Clojure 2.0


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